Friday, November 27, 2009

Thanksgiving Day, a traditional day to pause, give thanks and then proceed to take advantage of our blessings and overindulge ourselves in the bounty of food we are grateful for. How many have felt so grateful after a meal so filling, the feelings of discomfort posited a pledge to not indulge so auspiciously again next year? To solve that quandary, this year I decided to singularly take matters, and food, into my own hands and stay home alone, fix a meal for myself so that I would not overeat and then wish for a digestive miracle.

Through the day I reflected upon what I was grateful for. First of all, my life and health have provided me a healthy body. At my present age, I realize, in comparison to many others who have gone before me, I could be on borrowed time.

Other things to be grateful for are my two children whom I do not have to be concerned about as they have always been very capable of seeing sensible and appropriate paths for themselves. My daughter has two delightful children whom have grown up so quickly. Being at a significant distance, I have missed so much of their growing young lives I wonder how I can ever catch up.

My home is comfortable and warm. Each day I read of those without a home with even more becoming homeless daily. We are a nation of so much, yet paradoxically, so many people with so little.

Some years ago I heard Jean Houston respond to the question about what she would miss the most if she lost it. It took her in tears to her knees when she stated, “my mind.” Being inquisitive seems to not completely describe my thirst for knowledge. I am so grateful to be able to continue to learn who we are and why we are here.

Continuous learning is critical to keeping a sharper mind. It allows me to continue to work at a sustained intensity to continue challenging my university students. They are part of my “universe” of understanding. Thank you.

Friends so close they could be siblings are an important consultative team that I can share the challenges of my life. As colleagues and friends, they are coaches I rely upon to investigate alternatives for future actions no matter what the topic. Thank you for being there!

Pets have not been much of a part of my life for the last 25 years. However, when my 8 week old Buddy (his appropriate name) came into my life and connected with me by sleeping under my neck I was smitten by the kitten. How could I not be grateful for a little guy who daily sits on my chest and rubs my neck?

I am forever appreciative and grateful for a spiritual guidance instilled at a young age that has continued to sustain me through mountains and more than just valleys. I have never doubted I would be OK. Thank you.

Lastly, a newly discovered writing gift to hopefully put thought and thoughtfulness to paper is more than just appreciated, I hope to value it in more ways than one.

No matter where each of us live, we all have much to be grateful. Our blessings may be camouflaged in many ways. These obstacles may be there for us to look beyond as the resultant may be appreciated more.

What are you thankful for today? I invite you to share with our readers what you are grateful for this Thanksgiving.

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