Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Is our world coming apart?

Recently, I listened to Bill Harris, founder and CEO of Centerpointe, in Portland, OR. Bill produces many growth and awareness materials, as well as a very good CD series for meditation and healing. I have used his materials for several years and find them very helpful. You can find his work at www.centerpointe.com. However, this is not the reason for my writing today.
In a recent webinar, Bill shared some significant thoughts from several of his newsletters. I thought they were important enough to pass on. The bullets below summarize his discussion.
Bill started out discussing how the mood of the society formulates societal actions. He showed a chart which demonstrated the rising and falling pattern of our historical social moods associated with changes in the political climate, stock market, economy, immigration, etc.
There certainly is no need to state we are in changing times. We see it through many world-wide events, e.g., climate change, political upheaval and polarization, strife among nations (war?), critical limits of natural resources (oil, water, land in places…), economic depression, rising sea levels, etc.
Bill shared these thoughts not with the idea of scaring anyone, but with the idea of preparing us for our own future. My motivation is the same.
According to Bill and his readings, the present social mood will result in some personal and social changes, e.g., (This certainly is not an all-inclusive list of changes)
• We will pay more attention to our inner life. There will be more focus on feelings, spirituality, and consciousness.
• We will become closer to friends. We will lean on others more.
• We will be more active in our communication. We will be more responsible for our communication with others and act accordingly.
• We will investigate more of what is really important in our lives. Less attention will be paid to superficial things.
• We will delve deeper into our personal and spiritual life. This certainly combines with bullets 1, 2, and 4. We will strive for greater connection with the source of universal power.
• We will develop more personal resilience.
What can we do personally to support ourselves in the coming times?
• Trust ourselves. Trust our intuition and our own judgments. (not value judgments)
• Get out of debt.
• Increase our personal resiliency. Understand and increase our threshold of stress.
• Develop a support network. (Friends, relatives, neighbors?)
• Find sources of non-biased information. Read those who will offer facts with their opinions and not emotional and judgmental arguments.
• Increase personal awareness. (What am I feeling at any one time? For what reason do I do things? What are my thoughts, expectations? What is important for my mental and physical health? What is my passion? Where am I going? Who is important to me?)
I have no investment in this material or of it being correct. I merely pass it on for your benefit. Should you like to follow up and watch Bill’s presentation, I think you can go to his website and find it. It is entitled: “Is our world coming apart?”
Peace, Reed
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